Art for the Cure of Cystic Fibrosis (ACCF) was created in 2007 in honor of our sister, daughter, and friend, Robyn, in hopes of finding a cure or better control for the disease.
Sadly, Robyn lost her battle with CF in November 2008 and is deeply missed by all who loved her.
Robyn was a beautiful and kind woman with a zest for life and an infectious giggle. She was most proud of her daughter and thrived with the job of motherhood.
We, her family (including her now 8-year old daughter!) and friends continue with ACCF in her loving memory. Robyn would be proud that we remain dedicated to helping other CF patients, families, and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in finding a cure.
Breathe easy Robyn!
*note: We were lucky to have Robyn in attendance at our 2008 ACCF event. She left us with this note that gives us inspiration to keep our efforts going. Love and miss you Robyn!! XOXOXOXOXO
"I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for making this event so great! Nice work! I was so impressed with how everything turned out and what a great job you all did to make it such a success. I can't wait for next year! It means a lot to me to know I have great family and friends that would do this for CF and ultimitely me. Love to you all!"