Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's a small, small world!

Imagine my surprise when an Etsy seller and I realized we had something in common - ROBYN!

I reached out to Angie with corkandbirchmaps on Etsy when I saw her map prints of the state of Michigan.  She agreed to donate to ACCF and mentioned she had known someone with CF years ago at music camp. 

Through our emails, we realized her friend and my sister were one-in-the-same!!

Angie even had a photo of Robyn she shared with me (she must be one VERY organized person to be able to pull out a photo from junior high out-of-the-blue!).

This connection made her donation even sweeter.

Thank you, Angie!

image property of corkandbirchmaps
*Please note that the donation will be a variation of the image above.  Frame not included.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so honored to donate my Michigan map for Robyn's cause!!